ECOPNET Aug 25, 2021Rapid shift to evolving renewable energy technologies poses new waste challenge for Europe
ECOPNET Jun 28, 2021Zero Pollution: Vast majority of Europe's Bathing Waters Meet the Highest Quality Standards
ECOPNET Jun 21, 2021LIFE programme: EU honours inspirational projects supporting nature, environment and climate action
ECOPNET Jun 11, 2021Local Leaders Ready to Take The Helm as Council Adopts a €17.5 Billion Just Transition Fund
ECOPNET May 25, 2021The EU Needs Regional Expertise to Increase the Resilience of Its Bridges and Energy Networks
ECOPNET May 25, 2021EASA Publishes Results of First EU Study on Citizens’ Acceptance of Urban Air Mobility
ECOPNET May 18, 2021European Green Deal: EU Commission Aims for Zero Pollution in Air, Water and Soil
ECOPNET May 16, 2021EU and 25 Countries Sign Joint Statement to Strengthen Arctic Science Cooperation